Field Name | Format/Validation | Example | Field Length |
Lead_Date | Lead Creation Date mm/dd/yyyy | 6/20/2018 | 10 |
Prefix_Title | Mr. | 6 | |
First_Name | REQUIRED | John | 25 |
Middle_Initial | Truncated after 1st character | J | 1 |
Last_Name | REQUIRED | Doe | 25 |
DOB | mm/dd/yyyy In Past | 07/12/1952 | 10 |
Gender | M(ale) | M | 1 |
Marital_Status | M(arried) | M | 1 |
Height_Inches | # total inches | 70 | 10 |
Weight_Pounds | # lbs only | 165 | 10 |
SSN | ###-##-#### | 345-54-2828 | 50 |
Phone (ALL) | 10 #'s. Non-numbers stripped. #'s after 10 placed as extension. Less than 10#'s is ignored | 555-555-555 (555) 555-5555 4433 5555555555 | 10 for Main 10 for Ext |
Email (ALL) | valid email format: char@char.char email will be ignored if invalid | 150 | |
Address1 (ALL) | 100 Test Lane | 50 | |
Address2 (ALL) | #3A | 50 | |
City (ALL) | Gainesville | 30 | |
State_Code (ALL) | 2 character State abbreviation code | VA | 2 |
Zip5 (ALL) | 5 numbers | 20155 | 5 |
County (ALL) | NOTE: Not saved as provided. Will be imported if exactly matches county enumeration from our system which runs on FIPS codes | Prince William | 30 |
Preffered_Contact_Person | Jane Doe | 50 | |
Preffered_Contact_Relationship | Sibling | Spouse | 25 |
Emergency_Contact_Person | JJ Doe | 50 | |
Emergency_Contact_Relationship | Sibling | Sibling | 20 |
Name_On_Medicare_Card | John Doe | 50 | |
HICN_MBI | 262753 | 50 | |
Medicare_Part_A_Effective_Date Medicare_Part_B_Effective_Date | Days (d, dd) auto converted to 1 if greater than 1 | 07/01/2017 | 10 |
Permission_To_Contact (ALL) | N(o) | Y | 1 |
Tag (ALL) | No spaces or special characters | Test_Lead | 20 |
Tracking_Code | Description for where lead comes from Formally labelled as Lead_Source - still works in legacy application | Salesforce | 50 |
Lead_Reference_Id | ID from lead source system | 342 | 10 |
Notes | Plain Text notes in relation to the lead. Will be added as a Note conversation log item to the lead after validation and creation of associated lead ATTENTION: At this time, Note content cannot support commas, so please remove any commas that are a part of the Note text | This is a test. This lead is a good one | 4000 |
Account_ID | For lead vendors using SFTP or Email for feed delivery, this is a required field. If not provided, then the associated lead record will fail import. For lead vendors using API or LA Pro tool users, the account_id used in the API call (or tool origination) will be used | 45211 | INT |
User_ID | If User_ID is not sent, then the lead will be imported into the provided Account_ID (or API account_id) as an open lead If User_ID is sent and DOES NOT MATCH with a valid ID within the provided Account_ID (or API account_id), then the associated lead record will fail import | 83421 | INT |
Campaign | This is an optional Campaign code associated with a lead | TG340 | 50 |
Campaign_Segment | This is an optional Campaign Segment code associated with a lead Specifically a Segment that exists under the provided Campaign code Campaign code IS REQUIRED when sending this field | Q4 | 50 |