LA Pro Lead Import CSV Template
On this page you can download a CSV template with which to create a lead list that can be imported into Lead Advantage Pro. Please refer to field specifics provided below to ensure successful translation of your leads into the platform.
**If you have EXPORTED leads from your LA Pro account and would like to IMPORT them into another account in LA PRO, please make the following updates to the file.
Remove the data from the following column(s):
BL (Lead_Reference_Id)
BN (Account_ID)
BO (User_ID)
Remove the following column(s) completely:
BR (Dispo_Name)
DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE: LA_Pro_Lead_Import_Template.csv
Only the following fields are required:
all other fields are optional, the column needs to be present but can be left blank
Account_ID is required under certain conditions - See Format/Validation
Invalid formats will be ignored (or filled with default value where noted)
Values exceeding field lengths will be truncated
Values are assumed to be presented as sampled. DO NOT send values in quotation unless explicitly directed to do so
Notes (column BM): At this time, Note content cannot support commas, so please remove any commas that are a part of the Note text
ATTENTION: Fields where values may have leading zeros (i.e. zip code) should be formatted as text fields so that leading zeroes will NOT be removed.
For example; if the field defaults to a number field, then a zip code value of 00567 would be converted to 567 which would fail import requirements of having 5 numbers.
Field Name | Format/Validation | Example | Field Length |
Lead_Date | Lead Creation Date mm/dd/yyyy | 6/20/2018 | 10 |
Prefix_Title |
| Mr. | 6 |
First_Name | REQUIRED | John | 25 |
Middle_Initial | Truncated after 1st character | J | 1 |
Last_Name | REQUIRED | Doe | 25 |
DOB | mm/dd/yyyy In Past | 07/12/1952 | 10 |
Gender | M(ale) | M | 1 |
Marital_Status | M(arried) | M | 1 |
Height_Inches | # total inches | 70 | 10 |
Weight_Pounds | # lbs only | 165 | 10 |
SSN | ###-##-#### | 345-54-2828 | 50 |
Phone (ALL) | 10 #'s. Non-numbers stripped. #'s after 10 placed as extension. Less than 10#'s is ignored | 555-555-555 (555) 555-5555 4433 5555555555 | 10 for Main 10 for Ext |
Email (ALL) | valid email format: char@char.char email will be ignored if invalid | 150 | |
Address1 (ALL) |
| 100 Test Lane | 50 |
Address2 (ALL) |
| #3A | 50 |
City (ALL) |
| Gainesville | 30 |
State_Code (ALL) | 2 character State abbreviation code | VA | 2 |
Zip5 (ALL) | 5 numbers | 20155 | 5 |
County (ALL) | NOTE: Not saved as provided. Will be imported if exactly matches county enumeration from our system which runs on FIPS codes | Prince William | 30 |
Preferred_Contact_Person |
| Jane Doe | 50 |
Preferred_Contact_Relationship | Sibling | Spouse | 25 |
Emergency_Contact_Person |
| JJ Doe | 50 |
Emergency_Contact_Relationship | Sibling | Sibling | 20 |
Name_On_Medicare_Card |
| John Doe | 50 |
| 262753 | 50 |
Medicare_Part_A_Effective_Date Medicare_Part_B_Effective_Date | Days (d, dd) auto converted to 1 if greater than 1 | 07/01/2017 | 10 |
Permission_To_Contact (ALL) | N(o) | Y | 1 |
Tag (ALL) | No spaces or special characters | Test_Lead | 20 |
Tracking_Code | Description for where lead comes from Formally labelled as Lead_Source - still works in legacy application | Salesforce | 50 |
Lead_Reference_Id | ID from lead source system | 342 | 10 |
Notes | Plain Text notes in relation to the lead. Will be added as a Note conversation log item to the lead after validation and creation of associated lead ATTENTION: At this time, Note content cannot support commas, so please remove any commas that are a part of the Note text | This is a test. This lead is a good one | 4000 |
Account_ID | For lead vendors using SFTP or Email for feed delivery, this is a required field. If not provided, then the associated lead record will fail import. For lead vendors using API or LA Pro tool users, the account_id used in the API call (or tool origination) will be used | 45211 | INT |
User_ID | If User_ID is not sent, then the lead will be imported into the provided Account_ID (or API account_id) as an open lead If User_ID is sent and DOES NOT MATCH with a valid ID within the provided Account_ID (or API account_id), then the associated lead record will fail import | 83421 | INT |
Campaign | This is an optional Campaign code associated with a lead | TG340 | 50 |
Campaign_Segment | This is an optional Campaign Segment code associated with a lead Specifically a Segment that exists under the provided Campaign code Campaign code IS REQUIRED when sending this field | Q4 | 50 |
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