

The Lead Advantage Pro FAQs page is designed to help you get started and get answers quickly based on what others are saying and asking.  If you don't find the question you are seeking an answer to, you may also contact your favorite Marketing Consultant by calling 877-888-9996.

For ease of discovery, the questions are categorized but a search for key values is always available in the upper right corner. 


What is Lead Advantage Pro?Lead Advantage Pro was built to take advantage of all the features that the original Lead Advantage Classic has that sets the tool apart from any other.  From the quoting and enrollment innovations, the additional benefits include a more modern and flexible technology that will position us for the next 10 years of innovations.
How much will Lead Advantage Pro Cost?Like Lead Advantage Classic, the Pro version will not cost the user anything at this time.  Early adoption is encouraged and remains a no cost advantage to building and maintaining your business.
When will the full version launch?The full version will launch later in 2018 and a full list of features coming in 2018 is listed here.  Check back often for additional details on future launch dates. 
What if I want to start using Lead Advantage Pro now?We encourage all new users to be part of Lead Advantage Pro.  Currently access requests can be submitted to a marketer but self registration is coming soon. 


Who can use Lead Advantage Pro?Currently Lead Advantage Pro is being offered to Marketers in the Senior Market Sales team and the President's Club members who currently have LA Classic or are new to Lead Advantage.  New users will have to request access to Lead Advantage Pro through their marketer. 


What is new in Lead Advantage Pro?Lead Advantage Pro offers users several upgrades including redesigned plan details sections and more streamlined enrollment options. Users will experience a platform that can adapt to fit the user's requirements.
What features were included in the initial launch of Lead Advantage Pro?Features that are part of the initial launch include most of the core functions that will allow an agent to continue doing business as usual.  For a full list of features that are currently included, check out the list here.
When will all the features currently in Lead Advantage Classic be available in Lead Advantage Pro?The full version will launch later in 2018 and a full list of features coming in 2018 is listed here.  Check back often for additional details on future launch dates.
When will key features like marketing automation be added?The great thing about Lead Advantage Pro is our ability to integrate features like marketing automation geared toward making your life easier when communicating to your customers.  The introduction of this feature is currently being reviewed and will remain a high priority for Lead Advantage Pro. 

Administration and Security

How do I add a user under my account?Currently that feature is turned off.  To add a new user to LA Pro, please contact your Marketer.

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